We are an EYE-TRACKING research company.
Our portfolio includes eye-tracking tests in the fields of usability, market and advertising research. We evaluate and optimise websites, software, mobile apps, printed materials and advertising campaigns.
Besides our core expertise in eye-tracking, we offer a broad spectrum of qualitative and quantitative market-research methods – which we constantly adapt to our customers' individual queries and requirements.
With our 32 fully equipped mobile eye-tracking laboratories, we specialise in location-independent research.
As Tobii Training and Tobii Service Partners, we provide training courses, workshops and insight services both domestically and abroad for Tobii Technology – the leading manufacturer of eye-tracking systems.
We offer a broad spectrum of qualitative and quantitative market-research methods – which we constantly adapt to our customers' individual queries and requirements. Here, we rely on both classical offline and online methods. We have particular expertise in the application of eye-tracking investigations in market research. We always use these if they generate genuine added value for you. We always combine eye-tracking with classical methods, such as interviews, group discussions, questionnaires and observation.
POS & Shopper Insights
- Real Shelf-Test
- Virtual Shelf-Test
- Shopper Studies
- InStore Navigation
- POS Material
- Digital Signage

Real Shelf-Test
Shelf tests with physical shelves allow the utmost realism, particularly if the testing can take place directly at the Point of Sale. If testing at the POS is not possible, there is the option to evaluate recreated shelves in the test studio. Real shelf tests are particular suitable for testing a smaller number of design alternatives, or for test designs in which only individual products are varied.
For shelf tests, we offer both quantitative and qualitative test designs. Depending on the question posed, we will be happy to recommend to you the optimum combination of eye-tracking (Tobii Glasses with or without IR markers, or Tobii X60) and follow-up surveys (interviews, questionnaires, etc.).

Virtual Shelf-Test
Virtual shelf tests make it possible to test a relatively high number of different design alternatives efficiently and at low cost. As a qualitative test, we recommend a combination of eye-tracking and a relatively detailed qualitative follow-up survey. In the quantitative field, on the other hand, we recommend a combination of eye-tracking and a short, standardised follow-up survey (verbal or paper-and-pencil).

Shopper Studies
Whether it's individual products, category perception or the design of entire businesses – we will generate the shopper insights you need for an optimised design. In addition to this, we offer consumer surveys at the POS, eye-tracking studies at the POS, qualitative focus-group discussions, digital tests and much more. Just give us a call – we'll be happy to help.

InStore Navigation
Mobile eye-tracking systems (Tobii Glasses) allow us to test the shopper's orientation at the Point of Sale in an optimum fashion. This allows you to divert attention to areas that are particularly relevant for you at the POS.

POS Material
Displays, posters, danglers, shelf branding, shelf talkers, leaflets, wobblers, digital signage ... – at the POS there is a wide range of ways to address the consumer. We test your materials both digitally and as a physical mock-up. Under some circumstances, it is also useful to carry out testing directly at the Point of Sale – here, too, we can provide an optimum supplement to classical consumer interviews in the form of mobile eye-tracking recordings (Tobii Glasses).

Digital Signage
In-store TV and the digital display of price information are enjoying increasing popularity at the Point of Sale. Besides the advantage of actively addressing customers, these systems offer great flexibility for retail. But do consumers even perceive digital signage elements? How well are these systems accepted? What is their effect? To answer these questions, combined in-store eye-tracking tests are ideal. Using head-based eye-tracking systems such as the Tobii Glasses, it is possible to map attention behaviours. In combination with individual and in-depth interviews, this allows us to evaluate purchase-inducing effects, for example.
Concept Ideas
- Concept-Workshops
- Concept-Tests

Already at an early stage of the project, concept workshops and tests provide strong target-group focusing and guarantee that your advertising campaigns are not developed in a way that misses your target group. They are suitable for all advertising media, whether it's print, online or TV.
We will be happy to support you either throughout the entire concept-development process or just in individual process phases. We understand concept development as an iterative process – from the first idea generation through to testing final concepts or advertising campaigns.
Our workshops offer you valuable consumer insights, time and time again, throughout the entire concept-development process; on the basis of these insights, innovative ideas can be put in concrete terms, optimised, and translated into language that is appropriate for your target group.

Do you already have initial concept ideas and want to test these on your target group? Our concept tests provide you with valuable tips that allow you to optimise your concepts.
Products & Innovations
- Prototype Tests
- Usage Tests

Prototype Tests
Market research uncovers what your (potential) customers really want. This allows you to estimate the potential of product innovations at an early stage and to modify product development so that a successful product ultimately emerges.
Whether it's just new packaging designs or innovative product ideas – we offer the right tools to assess these at an early stage and to generate valuable insights for further optimisation. Where it makes sense, we also make use of our modern eye-tracking systems or our usability expertise.

Usage Tests
We can test product usage in the test laboratory or in the natural usage context (such as in consumers' homes) – including with the use of eye-tracking. You can observe the usage live in the test laboratory. If testers test your product for a longer period of time in their natural living environment, there is the opportunity for a telephone survey, written survey (e.g., an online diary during the testing period), or personal survey.
Brand & Image
- Brand Perception

Brand Perception
The significance of brands in today's consumer landscape is immense. In product categories with increasingly homogeneous goods, they offer a unique opportunity to differentiate oneself from the competition; in innovative fields, they offer consumers sufficient certainty to make a purchase decision.
Brand-image analyses can be implemented as a partial aspect or in greater detail as a key research question. As possible output, we identify core values of your brand, offer a detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and determine positioning in the competitive environment.
Consumer Insights
- Deep Consumer Insights

Deep Consumer Insights
A profound understanding of consumers is essential in order to adequately address your target group. Knowledge of motives, expectations, emotions and attitudes should serve as the basis for the development of all communications. In the area of product innovations, too, this understanding allows you to ensure that a product's development takes the right path for your target group.
We offer a multitude of methods for investigating your target group's desires, expectations, attitudes and motives. Here, besides qualitative studio methods, we offer special ethnographic approaches, whereby we observe and survey consumers in their natural living environment.
Usability research represents one of our core areas of expertise. We help you to create commodities that ARE SIMPLY FUN. Simple and intuitive usage is the basis for a positive product experience. In order to improve the usage experience of your products and communications, we put these to the test with your customers. With our eye-tracking research, we examine genuine expectations, genuine interaction, genuine experiences, genuine emotions and genuine insights – not just opinions.
Web Usability
- Websites
- E-Commerce
- Intranet
- Extranet
- Methods

Nowadays, websites in the world of business serve as company presentation, flagship and sales floor all in one. It is therefore crucial that, besides having an aesthetically attractive design, websites are simple and intuitive to use and create a positive user experience. In order to adapt your web presence to the needs and requirements of your users, we combine tried-and-tested usability and market-research methodology with the latest eye-tracking technology. Here, eye-tracking investigations represent significant added value compared to classical research methods, since only eye-tracking studies can derive valid insights into perception, usage and effect. In combined usability and eye-tracking research, we derive insights into, among other factors, where information is presumed to be, which page elements grab attention or distract, and which information is perceived and understood.

Despite increasing competition in the ecommerce market, unsatisfactorily designed online shops keep on appearing. A shop system that is simple and intuitive to operate, however, forms the basis for the successful implementation of an ecommerce strategy. Even the best product portfolio with attractive prices cannot compensate for usability problems. If the customer cannot find their way around the shop system, if the buying process or registration process for new customers is too complicated, users will get lost unnecessarily on their path to becoming buyers. We provide you with the right tools to accompany you in developing a successful online shop. As well as expert checks (heuristic evaluations), our methodology is based on surveys (focus groups, individual interviews) and user tests (usability and eye-tracking tests).

In recent years, more and more companies have recognised that the revenue from their ecommerce activities can be increased through usability measures. User surveys are therefore used to determine needs, and usability and eye-tracking tests are used to weed out usability problems. With constant attempts to maximise revenue, a significant cost-saving opportunity is often completely overlooked: intranets.
Complicated processes and suboptimal presentations of information impair employees' productivity. This can lead to information being overlooked or unnecessary errors. Even small optimisations often lead to an immense increase in productivity, which can result in significant savings.

Today, extranets represent the central communications basis for many companies and their partners. It is not rare for hundreds of thousands of people to work with a system of this kind in order to administer orders and processes between the different companies. Particularly with systems like this, usability, eye tracking and process optimisation can present immense savings potential. Efficient process flows guarantee a professional appearance with regard to customers and business partners. You save time in managing your orders and, at the same time, reduce the error rate.

To carry out our usability and eye-tracking studies, we call upon a mix of the following usability and market-research methods:
- heuristic expert evaluations
- usability checklists
- user testing; eye-tracking
- retrospective think aloud (RTA)
- 1-on-1 interviews
- focus-group discussions
- questionnaires
- log-file analyses.
Software Ergonomics
- Software & Applications
- Methods

Software & Applications
Computers (and software systems) have become an indispensable part of life. But instead of making life easier for us, many of these systems are becoming ever more complicated. The call for more functions and more individuality means it takes an ever-greater amount of time to operate the devices.
The same applies for the inventory management system at work as for the microwave at home. But why has heating up a meal become an insurmountable hurdle?
Can't it be done faster and more easily? Do I have to have studied IT to understand it? No, you don't!
We support companies in developing and optimising software solutions that actively support the user instead of burdening them with extra effort due to unnecessary processes or complicated user interfaces. With our usability and eye-tracking tests, we test typical usage processes with real users and can thus determine weak points and any areas with potential for optimisation.

Software should be user-friendly and easy for the user to understand, and should support the user in their everyday work. In order to improve the user-friendliness, eye-tracking investigations offer a valuable supplement to classical usability tests, as they are even better at recognising usage problems thanks to their eye-tracking technology.
To carry out our ergonomics and usability studies, we call upon a mix of the following usability- and market-research methods:
- Heuristic expert evaluations
- Usability checklists
- User testing
- Eye tracking
- Retrospective think aloud (RTA) method
- 1-on-1 interviews and focus-group discussions
- Questionnaires
Mobile Usability
- Apps
- Mobile Websites
- Hardware (Smartphones & Tablets)
- Methods

The trend towards mobile use of software and applications is unstoppable. As a result of changes in the ways in which we interact (finger operation instead of a mouse), restricted display possibilities (4 inches instead of 24) and changed usage environment (outdoors instead of indoors), a completely new set of challenges face the user-friendliness of applications. Classical design and strategy approaches can therefore no longer be transferred in a one-to-one manner.
If the apps are not easy to understand and intuitive to operate, the users are gone – they will simply download another app. The trial-and-improvement approach employed by many users thus encounters a far-lower frustration tolerance for mobile apps than with classical software applications. We have various eye-tracking setups that allow us to carry out usability and eye-tracking research on mobile devices.

Mobile Websites
Mobile devices are used primarily for surfing the web and apps. Apps, in particular, are currently experiencing a huge boom. In order to present itself on mobile devices, however, every company does not need its own app – a website adapted to displaying on mobile devices is often a better solution. On the one hand, not all users want to download a company app; on the other, the user might be directed to your company website via a search engine.
Just as with mobile apps, mobile websites must be tested and adapted in a medium-specific manner. Here, too, there are various possible methodological combinations of heuristic evaluation, eye-tracking, usability testing, observation and user surveys.

Hardware (Smartphones & Tablets)
Besides usability tests for mobile applications and websites, we also offer tests for mobile devices themselves. Here, too, we use a range of eye-tracking setups, since this allows us to best identify user problems, for example.
Besides usability tests, we offer a wide spectrum of advertising-media tests and market-research methods. We can therefore also accompany the marketing of your product with a holistic approach. For example, we can determine which technical properties of your new product have the highest relevance for the target group, as well as investigating the corresponding product data sheets or testing your advertising campaigns.

Ideally, usability evaluations should accompany the entire development process of mobile websites or applications. With our four eye-tracking systems, we can always provide you with the most suitable test setup at every stage of the project.
For example, design mock-ups are typically evaluated with a monitor-based eye-tracker (Tobii T60 eye-tracker), whereas click-dummy prototypes can be checked with our mobile device stand (Tobii X60 Eyetracker). The functional prototypes can then be tested under real conditions in the field using our head-based eye-tracking system (Tobii Glasses Eyetracker).
Product Optimisation
- Designing user-friendly products

Designing user-friendly products
Every day, we interact with, operate and use hundreds of machines – from toasters to TVs to cars. In doing so, we constantly face new challenges. When buying a new TV, the movie night you hoped for often turns into a reading session (of the user manual). With new microwaves, the food comes out cold the first few times. But why does technology always have to be so complicated? Why must consumers always be afraid to buy a new device?
We support companies in developing new products by putting the focus on the user. With our eye-tracking tests, we look at the products from the point of view of consumers, not producers. As well as consumer products, industry products are also subject to a great number of requirements in terms of user-friendliness and operability. An intuitively understandable interface can reduce the time required for operation, as well as reducing the risk of operating errors.
Machine Interaction
- Infotainment
- Interface
- Terminal
- Transportation
- Vending machines

The innovation-rich field of driver-assistance and infotainment systems is growing in significance for the automotive sector. Systems gaining in complexity, however, result in increased usability requirements. Entertainment systems must not, for example, distract the driver from his main task of driving the car. Likewise, helpful warning indications are only helpful if the driver can actually perceive them. As well as usability tests, the use of mobile head-based eye-tracking systems is particularly suited to the automotive sector. These eye-tracking systems allow us to find out, among other things, what engages the attention of those inside the vehicle, as well as when and for how long.

In particular for controlling machines, interactive and digital control elements are playing an increasingly important role. With their help, complex information can be displayed in a compact fashion. But for the efficient operation of a machine, an efficient interface design is also needed.
Using usability and eye-tracking studies, the interaction between man and machine can be optimised; the resulting smooth interaction can increase efficiency and reduce error rates.

Self-service terminals are gaining in significance; popular examples include, for example, check-in terminals at airports. But also in other areas, self-service terminals are continuing to establish themselves: for example, a large fast-food chain now allows customer to order and pay for products via terminals.
Using our usability tests, you can optimise your terminals and therefore also your customer interaction. We can carry out this optimisation either in the test studio or using a mobile head-based eye-tracking system in a real-world usage context.

Particularly in the field of public transport, intuitive operation of ticket machines is essential. It is the only way to ensure that even untrained users that are not from the local region can find their way around your system.
Usability and eye-tracking tests offer an opportunity to improve your system's user-friendliness – and therefore also the quality of your service.

Vending machines
The buying process on automatic machines should be as easy and attractive as possible for your customers. We will help you to understand your customers better. We deliver insights into how your machines are perceived and used, and how your buying process on the device actually takes place. Using eye-tracking tests, we determine perception patterns and can thus find out whether, e.g., advertising media on the device are producing the desired purchase-inducing effect.
Advert Research
- Advertising-Media Tests
We test your advertising, regardless of whether it's online, print, TV or mobile. As well as individual advertising-media tests, we pursue a holistic approach in order to optimise the interplay between various advertising media and to select the optimum mix for you. In the field of advertising-media tests, eye-tracking delivers significant added value compared to classical test processes – in particular, eye-tracking offers an objective method for testing the advertising medium's ability to attract attention, because if people do not notice an advertisement, it cannot be effective.
Television & Gaming
- TV Copy
- TV-Comsumption
- Publicité in-game
- Product Placement

TV Copy
We can test your TV copy in all development phases, from concept tests to storyboards and scribbles, and right through to the finished advertisement.
Depending on how far through the development process you are, we will either support you in individual process phases or accompany you through the entire development process using iterative testing. For this, we always choose the appropriate research method for the stage of your materials' development.
Using eye-tracking, we can analyse specific elements of your TV copy; for example, the ability of your brand logo or the advertised product to attract attention.

How does your advertisement work while your target group is watching TV? How is your advertisement viewed? For example, do viewers recognise your brand logo? Do people even look at your banner during a football game? Eye-tracking can provide targeted answers to all such questions.

Publicité in-game
Les jeux constituent une plateforme particulière pour la publicité. Les jeux en ligne et mobiles jouent un rôle de plus en plus important. Les enquêtes d'eye tracking identifient par ex. si votre publicité placée dans le jeu est perçue en soi et à quel point elle retient l'attention. Associées à un sondage qualitatif, elles permettent d'adapter la publicité de manière optimale à ce média spécifique afin d'obtenir le meilleur effet publicitaire possible.

Product Placement
Various media allow targeted product placements. Besides film productions, gaming is a relatively new but growing advertising sector.
The effectiveness of product placement depends on whether your brand is even noticed. We offer various approaches that use eye-tracking to test the effect of the product placement in a real context.

Advertising Brochures
Whether for the complete design of an advertising brochure or for individual product placements – we offer both qualitative and quantitative tools to test your materials and to highlight potential for optimisation.
Eye-tracking is a key component of our research methods. Using eye- tracking, for example, the ability of a product offer to attract attention can be measured objectively. In addition, typical viewing patterns can be identified that can help youto position offers in the optimum location.

How is your advertisement perceived by your target group? Is it even seen? How long can the advertisement capture a reader's interest? Does it bring about an interest in the product? Do people want to find out more? Is an integrated QR code perceived and used?
Our target-group surveys, combined with eye tracking, offer the ideal methodological approach to evaluating your advertisement placements. While eye-tracking, for example, measures the advertisement's ability to attract attention and the typical viewing time, subsequent interviews offer qualitative insights.

Catalogue Tests
We test both the user-friendliness and the sales-promoting effect of your catalogue design. This includes, for example, identifying the optimum product arrangement, illustration, price labelling and product description.
Eye-tracking offers the ideal supplement to classical catalogue tests. Eye-tracking allows visual elements to be located and designed in an optimum manner.

Folder Tests
Folder tests in the pharmaceutical sector can improve your communications with doctors.
Using eye-tracking studies, you can find out whether the most important content is registered instantly – this is particularly vital for a target group that notoriously suffers from a shortage of time.
Online & Mobile
- Social Media
- Banner
- Mobile Ads
- InApp Ads

Social Media
Social media are becoming increasingly significant for online advertising. On the one hand, they offer opportunities for classical advertising (banners, in-game ads, etc.); on the other hand, company profiles are becoming ever more important, as they offer a completely new form of interaction with the target group.
We offer various tests for your social-media presences, focusing on both design- and content-related aspects. In addition, analysis of the user content allows us to generate valuable insights.
Eye-tracking can also be used efficiently in the social-media arena. Here, it is also possible to subject your social-media presences to a usability test.

Banner advertising continues to represent an important proportion of online advertising – but there are a number of things to consider for an optimum banner design. As well as the design, the positioning of the banner is also crucial.
Eye-tracking studies offer an optimum methodological approach to testing your advertisement in a real-world usage context.

Mobile Ads
Online usage is increasingly shifting to mobile devices. But classical online advertising cannot simply be transferred "as is" to this medium; there are other challenges and technical possibilities that must be taken into account for mobile ads.
We test mobile ads using a combination of the latest eye-tracking technology and qualitative and/or quantitative surveys. These combinations of methods allow us to carry out an objective assessment of your advertisement's ability to attract attention, as well as to gain a qualitative understanding of its effectiveness.

InApp Ads
With currently more than 360,000 apps – in the Android Market alone – this field is growing rapidly in significance. In-app ads therefore represent a modern channel for addressing customers.
We evaluate these in-app ads using both the latest eye-tracking technology (if the app is even noticed, how strongly can it generate interest...) and supplementary qualitative or quantitative surveys.

Poster Tests
For small and large advertising posters, cinema posters and any other outdoor advertisements, we provide support using innovative research methods.
On the one hand, we offer various studio tests; on the other, we also carry out real-world testing. Thanks to mobile head-based eye-trackers, it is possible to test outdoor advertisements using eye-tracking in a real-world context. This is important because a poster beside a road with heavy traffic is viewed very differently from in a stimulus-free test studio.

Poster Stands
As outdoor advertising, poster stands can draw attention to your business. In order to do this successfully, they must fulfil two key functions: they must be noticed and they must generate interest.
Eye-tracking offers an optimum methodological approach for testing the ability of your poster stands to attract attention. Combined with a qualitative survey evaluating content-related aspects, this allows you to optimise your outdoor advertisement. This ultimately serves to improve the way you address customers, even before the customer visits your business.

Advertising Columns
Eye-tracking studies can even be used for advertisements on advertising columns. Using mobile eye-tracking systems, the effect of your advertisement can be tested in a real-world context. Monitor-based eye-tracking systems, on the other hand, are useful at an earlier conceptual stage – for uncovering any potential for optimising your materials early in the process.

Bus Stops
Bus stops offer a special context for your advertising. Whereas advertising is often only viewed briefly, waiting bus users often have more time and therefore view your advertisement for longer. In order to take this specificity into account, we recommend on-site testing, which we can carry out using a mobile head-based eye-tracking system.
Exhibition-Stand Marketing
- Exhibition Stand
- Guidance Systems

Exhibition Stand
You trade-fair stand is a flagship for your company and should therefore have the best possible design. We will evaluate your stand's effectiveness for you.
Another important aspect is the positioning/arrangement of your products and advertising materials. Even the limited space in a trade-fair stand should be put to optimal use. Using eye-tracking, we help you to design your stand perfectly, so that your target group perceives important items in the shortest possible time.

Guidance Systems
Particularly at popular and highly frequented trade fairs, visitors often find orientation extraordinarily difficult. We will help you to develop efficient guidance systems for public events and at the Point of Sale. To do this, we use mobile head-based eye-tracking systems that allow us to carry out versatile on-site tests.
USEYE GmbH is a company specialising in usability, market, and advertising research. As well as our headquarters in Ratingen, we have locations in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Magdeburg, Munich and San Francisco.
Our utmost goal is the satisfaction of our – and your – customers. We would therefore be delighted to provide you with the best possible support in orienting your products and services towards the needs and requirements of your customers.

Mündelheimer Weg 37D-40472 Düsseldorf
VAT Reg No: DE281368758
Phone: +49 (0) 211 420 997 - 10
Fax: +49 (0) 211 420 997 - 16
E-Mail: info@useye.de
Web: http://www.useye.de
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